UTime Says In Response To Share Price Volatility, Co Has Initiated An Internal Investigation Process To Determine Whether There Is Any Leakage Of Undisclosed Information Or Other Factors That May Affect The Share Price, And May Engage Lawyers To Initiate A Short-Selling Investigation Process As Necessary
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UTime Ltd is addressing recent share price volatility by initiating an internal investigation to check for information leaks or other factors. The company may also start a short-selling investigation. UTime has entered the medical industry, collaborating with Dr. Ehud Baron and planning to acquire a lab for monkeypox vaccine development.
August 29, 2024 | 4:16 pm
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UTime Ltd is investigating recent share price volatility for potential information leaks and may engage in a short-selling investigation. The company is expanding into the medical industry, planning to acquire a lab for monkeypox vaccine development.
The internal investigation and potential short-selling probe indicate UTime's proactive approach to address share price volatility, which could stabilize investor confidence. The entry into the medical industry and vaccine development plans may positively impact future growth, but the immediate effect on stock price is uncertain.