Is Telegram Safer Than WhatsApp Or Signal? App Might Not Be So Private After All: Report
Portfolio Pulse from Natan Ponieman
Telegram's safety and privacy are under scrutiny following the arrest of its founder, Pavel Durov, by French authorities. The app, popular for its privacy features, is criticized for not being as secure as WhatsApp or Signal. Telegram's use by criminal organizations and its metadata policies are points of concern. Meta Platforms Inc (NASDAQ:META), owner of WhatsApp, is also mentioned in the context of privacy and data sharing.
August 26, 2024 | 9:11 pm
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Meta Platforms Inc, owner of WhatsApp, is mentioned in the context of privacy and data sharing. While WhatsApp offers end-to-end encryption, it shares user data with other Meta companies, which is a point of comparison with Telegram's privacy policies.
Meta is mentioned as a comparison point for Telegram's privacy practices. The article highlights WhatsApp's data sharing with other Meta platforms, which could influence investor perception of Meta's privacy policies. However, the impact on Meta's stock is likely neutral as the focus is more on Telegram's issues.