Zscaler shares are trading lower amid circulation of a security update that was posted earlier, in which the company said it is aware of a public social media post by a threat actor claiming to have potentially obtained unauthorized information.
Portfolio Pulse from Benzinga Newsdesk
Zscaler shares are trading lower following a security update where the company acknowledged awareness of a public social media post by a threat actor claiming to have potentially obtained unauthorized information.
May 08, 2024 | 7:37 pm
News sentiment analysis
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Zscaler's stock is trading lower after the company released a security update acknowledging a potential unauthorized information access claim made by a threat actor on social media.
The negative impact on Zscaler's stock price is likely due to investor concerns over the potential data breach and its implications on the company's reputation and customer trust. Such security concerns can lead to short-term volatility in the stock price as the market reacts to the uncertainty surrounding the extent of the breach and its potential financial and reputational consequences for Zscaler.