HF Sinclair Board Authorized New $1B Stock Buyback
Portfolio Pulse from Benzinga Newsdesk
HF Sinclair's board has authorized a new $1 billion stock buyback program, highlighting their commitment to shareholder returns. The company also returned $269 million in cash to shareholders during the quarter. With the upcoming summer driving season, HF Sinclair anticipates a favorable market environment, positioning them to generate strong earnings and cash flows.

May 08, 2024 | 10:32 am
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HF Sinclair (DINO) has announced a new $1 billion stock buyback program and returned $269 million to shareholders, indicating a strong financial position and commitment to shareholder value.
The announcement of a $1 billion stock buyback program by HF Sinclair (DINO) is a strong signal of the company's financial health and its management's confidence in the future. Such actions typically support the stock price in the short term by reducing the number of shares outstanding, thus potentially increasing earnings per share (EPS). Additionally, returning $269 million in cash to shareholders further demonstrates the company's commitment to shareholder returns. With the anticipation of a favorable market environment during the summer driving season, this could lead to increased demand for HF Sinclair's products, thereby improving earnings and cash flows, which could further support the stock price.