Elon Musk's Claims 'Many Americans Still Have No Idea' About White House's Social Media Influence As Supreme Court Preps For The Case
Portfolio Pulse from Ananya Gairola
Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, highlighted the White House's alleged influence on social media platforms ahead of a Supreme Court case, Murthy v Missouri. The case, set to be heard, centers on accusations of the Biden administration coercing social media companies to censor dissent, particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic. This follows a federal appeals court ruling suggesting government agencies likely infringed upon First Amendment rights by pressuring platforms to remove posts. Musk's comments come amid ongoing legal battles over online misinformation and free speech.

March 18, 2024 | 4:24 am
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Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, brings attention to the White House's alleged influence on social media, amidst a significant Supreme Court case. This could spotlight Musk's role as a free speech advocate, potentially affecting Tesla's public perception.
While the news directly involves Elon Musk, the impact on Tesla (TSLA) is more indirect, relating to Musk's public image and advocacy for free speech rather than Tesla's core business operations. The short-term impact on TSLA stock is likely neutral, as the case's outcome and its implications on Musk's companies are still uncertain. However, it could affect public perception of Musk and, by extension, Tesla.