Chatbot A Legal Entity? Air Canada Argued It Is 'Responsible For Its Own Action' In An Attempt To Evade A Refund. Here's What Happened Next
Portfolio Pulse from Ananya Gairola
Air Canada (OTC:ACDVF) was ordered to refund a passenger misled by its chatbot about bereavement fares. The airline argued the chatbot was a separate legal entity, but the tribunal ruled against it, ordering a partial refund. This case highlights the legal and operational challenges companies face with AI chatbots, amid growing reliance on such technology across various sectors.

February 19, 2024 | 7:28 am
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Air Canada was ordered to refund a passenger due to misleading information provided by its chatbot, challenging the airline's stance on chatbot liability.
The tribunal's decision against Air Canada for the misleading information provided by its chatbot could negatively impact investor sentiment and customer trust. This ruling may set a precedent for how companies are held accountable for their AI tools, potentially leading to increased scrutiny and regulatory challenges. The negative publicity from this case could also affect the airline's reputation, potentially impacting its stock price in the short term.