Fuel Tech Publishes White Paper On Effects Of Its Dissolved Gas Infusion Technology In An Aquaculture Setting
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Fuel Tech, Inc. (NASDAQ:FTEK) released a white paper on the successful use of its DGI® Dissolved Gas Infusion technology in shrimp farming, showing significant production increases and health improvements. The technology, tested at a Royal Caridea aquaculture farm in Arizona, demonstrated the ability to maintain high dissolved oxygen levels, leading to better shrimp growth compared to traditional aeration methods. The results will be presented at Aquaculture America 2024.

February 06, 2024 | 9:46 pm
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Fuel Tech's successful trial of DGI® technology in shrimp farming could lead to increased interest and adoption in the aquaculture industry, potentially boosting the company's revenue and market position.
The successful trial and the upcoming presentation at Aquaculture America 2024 could generate significant interest in Fuel Tech's DGI® technology. Given the global demand for sustainable aquaculture solutions, this innovation could lead to new partnerships, increased sales, and a stronger position in the market for Fuel Tech. The positive results and peer-reviewed validation of the technology underscore its potential impact.