Apple Asks UK Court To Reject $1B Lawsuit Over App Store Fees
Portfolio Pulse from Ananya Gairola
Apple Inc. is facing a lawsuit in the U.K. where over 1,500 app developers are seeking close to $1 billion in damages over alleged unfair App Store charges. Apple has appealed to a London tribunal to dismiss the case, arguing that most developers are not subject to commission fees and that U.K.-based claims should pertain to purchases made via the U.K. App Store. The lawsuit is part of a series of legal challenges Apple is dealing with in the U.K., including a mass lawsuit over App Store commissions and a case concerning iPhone batteries.

January 24, 2024 | 5:10 am
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Apple Inc. is attempting to dismiss a $1 billion lawsuit in the U.K. over App Store fees, which is part of a broader series of legal challenges the company is facing.
The lawsuit against Apple could have a negative impact on the stock price in the short term due to the potential financial implications and negative publicity. Legal disputes can create uncertainty among investors, and a case of this magnitude could lead to concerns about potential changes to Apple's App Store revenue model. However, the confidence in the impact is not absolute due to the ongoing nature of the case and Apple's history of successfully navigating legal challenges.