How Is The Market Feeling About Affirm Holdings?
Portfolio Pulse from Benzinga Insights
Affirm Holdings (NYSE:AFRM) has seen a decrease in short interest, with the short percent of float dropping 7.04% since the last report. The company has 39.23 million shares sold short, which is 20.99% of available shares for trading. Compared to the peer group average of 4.93% for short interest as a percentage of float, Affirm Holdings has a higher short interest, indicating more bearish sentiment among investors. However, a decrease in short interest may suggest a shift towards a more bullish sentiment.
January 19, 2024 | 4:00 pm
News sentiment analysis
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Affirm Holdings has experienced a decrease in short interest, which could indicate a shift in investor sentiment from bearish to bullish. The high short interest relative to peers suggests that the stock may still be viewed with skepticism, but the recent decrease could lead to a short-term positive impact on the stock price.
The reduction in short interest for Affirm Holdings suggests that bearish sentiment is waning, which could lead to a short-term increase in stock price as investors become more optimistic. However, the stock still has a high short interest compared to its peers, which could limit the upside potential. The confidence score reflects the uncertainty in how the market will interpret this change in short interest.