'Google Announcing Humboldt, The First Cable Route Between South America And Asia-Pacific'
Portfolio Pulse from Benzinga Newsdesk
Google has partnered with Desarrollo País of Chile and Office of Posts and Telecommunications of French Polynesia to announce Humboldt, a new subsea cable route connecting Chile, French Polynesia, and Australia. This is the first direct connection between South America and the Asia-Pacific region. Humboldt will enhance digital connectivity across the Pacific, interconnecting with the South Pacific Connect initiative and supporting Chile's digital transformation strategy. The project reflects Google's commitment to digital infrastructure investment in Latin America, complementing other projects like the Google data center in Quilicura and the Curie subsea cable. The cable is expected to boost economic growth and job creation, with an estimated increase in GDP of $178 billion and 740,000 jobs in Latin America and the Caribbean by 2027.

January 11, 2024 | 3:09 pm
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Google's announcement of the Humboldt subsea cable project is likely to reinforce its position as a leader in digital infrastructure investment in Latin America, potentially enhancing its service capabilities and fostering economic growth in the region.
The Humboldt cable project is directly associated with Google and represents a significant investment in digital infrastructure, which is likely to be viewed positively by investors. The project's potential to drive economic growth and improve Google's service capabilities in the region could have a favorable impact on the company's stock in the short term.