FDA Allows Importing Unapproved But Essential Syphilis Treatment Amid Shortage Of Pfizer's Antibiotic
Portfolio Pulse from Vandana Singh
The FDA is collaborating with French drugmaker Laboratoires Delbert to import 3.5 million units of Extencilline, an unapproved syphilis treatment, due to a shortage of Pfizer's Bicillin. Pfizer has been facing supply issues since mid-last year and is taking measures to address the shortage, including adding manufacturing shifts and reducing production time. The shortage is expected to last until June. Pfizer encourages customers with difficulties obtaining Bicillin to contact them for emergency needs. Syphilis cases in the U.S. have significantly increased from 2017 to 2021.

January 11, 2024 | 2:24 pm
News sentiment analysis
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Pfizer is experiencing a shortage of its syphilis antibiotic Bicillin, leading the FDA to allow imports of an alternative treatment by Laboratoires Delbert. Pfizer is actively working to address the shortage by increasing production.
While the import of an alternative treatment could be seen as negative for Pfizer, the company's proactive measures to increase production and supply the market above historical rates may mitigate any potential negative impact on its stock price. The situation is temporary, and Pfizer's efforts to resolve the shortage could be viewed positively by investors.