Snapchat's Evan Spiegel Takes Shots At Facebook, Instagram In A Leaked Memo: 'Social Media Is Dead'
Portfolio Pulse from Benzinga Neuro
Snap Inc. CEO Evan Spiegel criticized rival social media platforms in a leaked memo, declaring 'Social Media is Dead. Long Live Snapchat!' He outlined a strategic plan for 2024 to address stagnant growth, focusing on user expansion in developed markets, an iOS-centric approach, improved ad targeting, and AR product development. The memo comes after several quarters of flat revenue growth and recent layoffs, signaling a pivotal moment for Snap's future direction.

January 10, 2024 | 7:28 am
News sentiment analysis
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Evan Spiegel's leaked memo reveals a strategic shift for Snap Inc., focusing on user growth, iOS-centric development, improved ad targeting, and AR tech. This comes amid flat revenue growth and recent layoffs, indicating a critical juncture for the company.
The leaked memo from Snap's CEO is a direct communication to employees about the company's future strategy, which is likely to be a key driver of investor sentiment. The focus on new technologies and market expansion could be seen positively by investors, potentially leading to a short-term positive impact on SNAP's stock price. However, the recent performance issues and layoffs could temper the optimism, hence the confidence score is not at the maximum.