Why Norway's Driving Schools Are Banning New Tesla Vehicles As Instruction Cars
Portfolio Pulse from Benzinga Neuro
Driving schools in Norway are banning new Tesla vehicles, particularly the Model 3, as instruction cars due to concerns over the unconventional steering wheel design. The design, which replaces the traditional indicator lever with buttons on the steering wheel, has been criticized for causing loss of focus and direction, particularly in roundabouts. This has raised safety concerns among driving instructors and the National Roads Administration, potentially affecting Tesla's reputation and complicating driving tests for students using these vehicles.

January 04, 2024 | 11:06 am
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Tesla's unconventional steering wheel design in new models like the Model 3 is leading to a ban by Norwegian driving schools, which could negatively impact Tesla's brand perception and sales in Norway.
The ban of Tesla vehicles by driving schools in Norway due to the unconventional steering wheel design could lead to a negative perception of Tesla's commitment to safety and user-friendliness, particularly for new drivers. This could potentially affect Tesla's sales and brand image in the short term, especially in the Norwegian market where driving schools play a significant role in influencing car purchases.