Reported December 13, Cepton Announces Koito It's Lidar Provider For An ADAS Program Informed The Co That Outstanding Purchase Orders Have Been Cancelled Due To A Change In The OEM's Product Offerings; Co Plans To Seek Project Investment Cost Recovery
Portfolio Pulse from Benzinga Newsdesk
Cepton, Inc. (CPTN) and its partner Koito Manufacturing were previously selected as the sole lidar providers for a significant ADAS program through 2027. However, Koito has informed Cepton that the OEM has rescoped its ADAS offerings, leading to the cancellation of all outstanding purchase orders related to the series production award. Cepton plans to seek recovery of project investment costs and continues to work with the OEM on next-generation ADAS offerings. The collaboration with Koito and engagement with other OEMs is expected to continue.

December 14, 2023 | 5:42 pm
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Cepton's outstanding purchase orders for a significant ADAS program have been cancelled due to the OEM's change in product offerings. The company is seeking to recover project investment costs and remains in collaboration with Koito for future ADAS solutions.
The cancellation of outstanding purchase orders is a direct negative impact on Cepton's short-term revenue prospects. While the company's plan to recover costs and continued collaboration with Koito and other OEMs may provide some mitigation, the immediate effect is likely negative for the stock price. The importance is high due to the significance of the ADAS program to Cepton's business, but not at the maximum because the company is still engaged with the OEM for future offerings. The confidence level reflects the clear negative impact but also acknowledges the potential for mitigating factors.