OpenAI's Sam Altman's Salary In 2022 Was Less Than That Of A System Administrator
Portfolio Pulse from Rounak Jain
OpenAI's non-profit parent company disclosed its 2022 financials, revealing salaries for key personnel including Sam Altman, who earned $73,546, less than the average system administrator. Greg Brockman and Ilya Sutskever, co-founders of OpenAI, earned $113,727 and $334,572 respectively. The for-profit OpenAI, backed by Microsoft Corp (NASDAQ:MSFT), did not disclose its finances. Altman's modest salary is notable given his estimated net worth of $500 million to $700 million and his significant role in the company.

December 13, 2023 | 1:41 pm
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Microsoft Corp (NASDAQ:MSFT) is mentioned as a backer of the for-profit OpenAI, which did not disclose its financials. The news focuses on the salaries of OpenAI's key personnel and does not directly relate to Microsoft's operations or financial performance.
The article mentions Microsoft as a backer of OpenAI but does not provide information that would directly impact Microsoft's stock price in the short term. The focus is on OpenAI's personnel salaries, which are not material to Microsoft's financials.