Protagonist Reports 2-Year Follow Up Data from Rusfertide REVIVE Study at the ASH Annual Meeting
Portfolio Pulse from Benzinga Newsdesk
Protagonist Therapeutics, Inc. presented two-year follow-up data from the Phase 2 REVIVE study of rusfertide at the ASH Annual Meeting. Rusfertide is a hepcidin mimetic with potential in treating polycythemia vera and other diseases. The presentations are available on the company's website.

December 12, 2023 | 12:34 pm
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Protagonist Therapeutics presented positive two-year follow-up data from its Phase 2 study of rusfertide, which could enhance investor confidence in the drug's potential and the company's pipeline.
The presentation of positive long-term data typically has a favorable impact on a biotech company's stock price as it suggests potential for successful drug development and future revenue streams. Given that rusfertide is a key asset in Protagonist's pipeline, the news is highly relevant and important to investors. The confidence score reflects the typical market response to positive clinical trial results, although the actual impact can be influenced by broader market conditions and investor sentiment.