How Is The Market Feeling About Intel?
Portfolio Pulse from Benzinga Insights
Intel Corporation (NYSE:INTC) has seen a 25.19% increase in short interest since its last report, with 71.29 million shares sold short, representing 1.69% of available shares. The average time to cover these short positions is 1.97 days. While an increase in short interest can indicate bearish sentiment, it does not necessarily predict a near-term price drop. Intel's short interest is below its peer group average of 3.71%.

December 07, 2023 | 5:00 pm
News sentiment analysis
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Intel's increased short interest suggests bearish market sentiment, but with short interest below peer average, it may not significantly impact the stock price in the short term.
While the rise in short interest for Intel indicates a more bearish outlook from traders, the fact that it is below the peer group average suggests that the sentiment is not as negative as it could be. Additionally, short interest alone is not a definitive predictor of immediate stock price movement, and the relatively short average time to cover indicates that any potential price impact may be quickly resolved.