Steve Jobs' 1976 Check To Radio Shack Expected To Fetch Over $20K At Auction
Portfolio Pulse from Benzinga Neuro
A check signed by Apple Inc co-founder Steve Jobs in 1976 is expected to fetch over $20,000 at auction. The check, which references the 'Apple Computer Company,' is a rare collectible as Jobs was known for rarely giving autographs. In the past, items signed by Jobs have sold for high amounts, with a letter declining an autograph request selling for $479,939 in 2021. The auction for the check is currently active with bids exceeding $22,000. Radio Shack, mentioned in the check's history, filed for bankruptcy in 2015.

December 05, 2023 | 6:13 am
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The auction of a check signed by Steve Jobs may generate interest in Apple's early history but is unlikely to have a direct impact on Apple Inc's stock price.
While the auction of Steve Jobs' signed check is a noteworthy event for collectors and fans of Apple, it does not directly affect the company's financials, operations, or future outlook. Therefore, it is unlikely to have a material impact on AAPL's stock price in the short term.