Apple Watch's Fall Detection Feature Saves Another Life — This Time A Hiker
Portfolio Pulse from Benzinga Neuro
A hiker in Georgia, Mike Menand, was saved by the fall detection feature of his Apple Watch after a fall caused by a coyote encounter. Unable to access his phone, the watch automatically sent an emergency alert, leading to his rescue. Menand had to undergo surgery for a broken leg and credited his Apple Watch for the rescue. The incident highlights the life-saving potential of Apple Inc.'s smartwatch features, which have saved several lives in various emergencies.

December 04, 2023 | 12:42 pm
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The fall detection feature of the Apple Watch saved a hiker's life in Georgia, showcasing the life-saving capabilities of Apple's smartwatch technology.
Positive news stories about the life-saving features of a company's product can lead to increased consumer trust and interest, potentially boosting sales. The story of the Apple Watch saving a hiker's life serves as a strong testimonial for the product's value, which could influence consumer perception and increase demand in the short term.