Leaked Survey: Is Blizzard Contemplating A $100 Price Tag For Diablo IV's Vessel Of Hatred Expansion?
Portfolio Pulse from Franca Quarneti
A leaked survey from Blizzard, a division of Microsoft Corp. (NASDAQ:MSFT), suggests potential pricing for Diablo IV's expansion, Vessel of Hatred. The survey indicates various bundles ranging from $50 to $100 with different digital rewards. The expansion, expected in late 2024, will introduce a new class and a new realm. Blizzard is using the survey to assess player preferences and pricing sensitivity, and has not confirmed the details officially.

December 01, 2023 | 8:55 pm
News sentiment analysis
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Microsoft's Blizzard division is considering pricing options for Diablo IV's expansion, which could influence player engagement and revenue. The survey leak may impact MSFT's stock as it reflects the company's strategy in monetizing popular gaming content.
The news of a leaked survey does not confirm the final pricing, but it shows that Blizzard is actively exploring monetization strategies for Diablo IV's expansion. This could have a neutral short-term impact on MSFT stock as the market digests the potential pricing strategy and its implications for future revenue. However, the leak itself may not significantly move the stock unless further details confirm a strong positive or negative reaction from the gaming community.