Genpact Unveils Industry-First Operating Playbook For Scaling Responsible Generative AI Projects
Portfolio Pulse from Benzinga Newsdesk
Genpact (NYSE:G), a global professional services firm, has released an industry-first playbook for scaling responsible generative AI projects, called FMOps – The Generative AI Imperative for Production. Developed with Nasscom, it provides guidelines for transitioning from pilot to production generative AI projects, focusing on Foundation Model Operations (FMOps) and including Large Language Model Operations (LLMOps) and Machine Learning Operations (MLOps). The playbook emphasizes the need for ethical and scalable solutions, improved collaboration, faster release cycles, and risk reduction in AI systems.

November 28, 2023 | 1:21 pm
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Genpact has introduced a new playbook for scaling generative AI projects, which could position the company as a thought leader in the AI space and potentially attract new clients looking for guidance in implementing AI solutions.
The release of an industry-first playbook by Genpact is likely to be viewed positively by investors and clients, as it demonstrates the company's commitment to innovation and leadership in the AI space. This could lead to increased interest in Genpact's services, especially from enterprises looking to implement generative AI solutions responsibly and efficiently. The collaboration with Nasscom also adds credibility and could open up new opportunities in the technology sector.