What Is OpenAI's Q*: A Revolutionary AI Tool Or Global Menace?
Portfolio Pulse from Neil Dennis
Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, was briefly sacked and then reinstated amid media speculation about safety concerns related to a powerful AI model called Q*. Microsoft Corp, a major backer of OpenAI, was mentioned in the context of providing access to computer terminals worldwide. Q* is reported to solve novel math problems, indicating progress in AI but not yet achieving AGI, which OpenAI aims to develop safely. Concerns around AGI include job displacement, privacy, and cybersecurity. The situation highlights the lack of structured global discourse on AI's future.

November 24, 2023 | 6:33 pm
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Microsoft Corp, as a key supporter of OpenAI, is associated with the development of the Q* AI model and the broader goal of achieving AGI. The concerns raised about AI safety and ethics could impact Microsoft's reputation and its role in AI development.
Microsoft is indirectly involved in the controversy due to its backing of OpenAI. While the article does not suggest any direct negative consequences for Microsoft, the association with a potentially controversial AI project could have reputational implications. However, the article does not provide enough detail to predict a significant short-term impact on Microsoft's stock price, hence the neutral score.