Starfield's Size Debate: Why A Smaller Game Could Shine Brighter, According To Its Developer
Portfolio Pulse from Franca Quarneti
Bruce Nesmith, a senior systems designer for Microsoft Corp's (NASDAQ:MSFT) Starfield, shared insights on the game's development and suggested that the expansive nature of the game might have had its downsides. The game boasts approximately 1,000 procedurally generated planets to explore, but many players have observed that a significant portion of this vast terrain feels desolate. Nesmith expressed concerns this expansion might have come at the expense of more meaningful content within the game.

October 30, 2023 | 10:00 pm
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Microsoft's Starfield game's expansive nature might have had its downsides, according to a senior systems designer. This could potentially impact player satisfaction and future sales.
The senior systems designer's comments suggest that the expansive nature of Starfield might have come at the expense of more meaningful content. This could potentially lead to decreased player satisfaction, which could in turn impact future sales of the game and other related products. This is particularly relevant for Microsoft as the company has been focusing on expanding its gaming portfolio.