Unciphered Team Develops Technique To Crack Decade-Old IronKey Password To Recover $235M In Lost Bitcoin
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Seattle-based company, Unciphered, has developed a method to crack the password of a decade-old IronKey model, potentially offering a chance to recover a lost fortune of 7,002 Bitcoins (CRYPTO: BTC), worth nearly $235 million. The IronKey belongs to Stefan Thomas, a Swiss crypto entrepreneur, who has lost the password to unlock it. Despite Unciphered's offer to help, Thomas has declined, having already made a deal with two other cracking teams.

October 25, 2023 | 5:02 am
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The development of a method to crack the IronKey password by Unciphered could potentially lead to the recovery of 7,002 Bitcoins, worth nearly $235 million. However, the owner of the Bitcoins, Stefan Thomas, has declined their help.
The news is directly related to Bitcoin as it involves the potential recovery of a significant amount of the cryptocurrency. However, the impact on Bitcoin's price is uncertain as the owner of the Bitcoins has declined Unciphered's help. Therefore, the score is neutral.