Aptos Electric Energy On First Birthday Leads To Operations Outage For Five Hours
Portfolio Pulse from Khyathi Dalal
Aptos Network experienced a network outage that lasted for more than five hours during a mass drawing application to celebrate its one-year anniversary. The outage led to a rise in Aptos’s transaction fees and a temporary halt of deposits and withdrawals of Aptos Network tokens on cryptocurrency exchanges, Upbit and OKX. The price of the APT token dropped to its 24-hour low point during the outage but managed to recover afterwards.

October 19, 2023 | 2:27 pm
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The network outage led to a temporary increase in Aptos's transaction fees and a halt of APT token transactions on Upbit and OKX. The price of the APT token dropped during the outage but recovered afterwards.
The network outage directly impacted the operations of Aptos Network, causing a temporary increase in transaction fees and a halt of APT token transactions on Upbit and OKX. This led to a drop in the price of the APT token during the outage. However, the price managed to recover after the issue was resolved, indicating that the impact of the outage on the APT token was short-lived.