Next Apple Watch May Not Feature Screens Which Give A Painting-Like Feel, Says This Expert
Portfolio Pulse from Ananya Gairola
Supply chain analyst Ming-Chi Kuo predicts that the 2024 Apple Watch may not feature Micro LED screens or introduce blood glucose monitoring. Kuo also indicates a potential slump in Apple Watch shipments, with an estimated 15% decline for 2023. However, he remains hopeful that its integration with Apple's first-generation mixed-reality headset, Vision Pro, could drive shipment momentum for both products. Apple's switch to Micro LED technology could result in a setback for Samsung Display Co. and LG Display Co., the two main suppliers of Apple Watch screens.

October 11, 2023 | 3:55 am
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The 2024 Apple Watch may not feature Micro LED screens or introduce blood glucose monitoring, potentially impacting Apple's innovative reputation. The switch to Micro LED could also affect Apple's relationship with its main screen suppliers, Samsung and LG.
The absence of Micro LED screens and blood glucose monitoring in the 2024 Apple Watch could be seen as a lack of innovation, potentially affecting Apple's stock. The switch to Micro LED could also disrupt Apple's relationship with Samsung and LG, its main screen suppliers, possibly leading to supply chain issues.