Alibaba Board Announced That The Company Intends To Spin-off Cainiao By Way Of A Separate Listing Of The Cainiao Shares On The Main Board Of The Hong Kong Stock Exchange
Portfolio Pulse from Charles Gross
Alibaba's board has announced plans to spin-off Cainiao with a separate listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Alibaba will retain more than 50% of the shareholdings in Cainiao, keeping it as a subsidiary. The spin-off is subject to approval from the Listing Committee of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and the board of directors and shareholders of Cainiao.

September 26, 2023 | 9:20 am
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Alibaba's planned spin-off of Cainiao could potentially impact its stock price. The company will retain majority shareholding in Cainiao, which will remain a subsidiary.
The spin-off could potentially lead to a change in Alibaba's stock price, depending on how the market perceives the move. As Alibaba will retain majority shareholding in Cainiao, it will continue to have significant control and benefit from Cainiao's performance. However, the spin-off is subject to various approvals, adding a degree of uncertainty.