If You Invested In Apple Stock Instead Of Buying iPhones Each Year, Here's How Much You'd Have Today
Portfolio Pulse from Chris Katje
A comparison of investing in Apple Inc's (NASDAQ:AAPL) stock versus buying a new iPhone each year since 2007 shows that the former would have yielded a significantly higher return. If an individual had invested the cost of each new iPhone model in Apple shares on the day of the phone's release, they would have turned $12,584 into $117,764.18 today, representing a profit of $105,180.18 and a return of 835.8% over the past 16 years.

September 18, 2023 | 10:50 pm
News sentiment analysis
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The news highlights the significant return potential of Apple's stock over the past 16 years, which could attract more investors to the company.
The news directly compares the return on investment in Apple's stock to the cost of buying a new iPhone each year, demonstrating the significant growth potential of the company's shares. This could attract more investors to Apple, potentially driving up the stock price in the short term.