Mastercard Issues Press Release Stating It Is Not Raising Interchange Rates In The U.S.this Fall And Has No Plans To Do So
Portfolio Pulse from Happy Mohamed
Mastercard has issued a press release stating that it will not be raising interchange rates or network fees in the U.S. this fall and has no plans to do so. The company also clarified that the Authorization Optimizer service is the only Mastercard fee noted in a study cited by the Wall Street Journal, and it is not related to interchange rates or network fees. The press release also mentioned that Congress is considering legislation that could potentially lower costs for merchants but could have negative consequences for consumers.

September 05, 2023 | 1:56 pm
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Mastercard's announcement of not raising interchange rates or network fees in the U.S. this fall could be seen as a positive move by investors, as it may help maintain the company's relationships with merchants and consumers. However, the potential legislation being considered by Congress could have an impact on the company's revenue.
Mastercard's decision to not raise interchange rates or network fees could be seen as a positive move by investors, as it may help maintain the company's relationships with merchants and consumers. However, the potential legislation being considered by Congress could have an impact on the company's revenue, as it could potentially lower costs for merchants, which could in turn lower Mastercard's revenue from these fees. The company's clarification about the Authorization Optimizer service could also be seen as a positive move, as it shows the company's commitment to transparency.