Apple Folded, But Why On Earth Is Tom Cruise's Cult Opposing Right To Repair?
Portfolio Pulse from Rounak Jain
Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) has ceased its opposition to the Right to Repair movement, which advocates for consumers' ability to repair their own devices. However, Author Services, a Scientology-owned organization, has voiced its opposition to the movement, citing concerns over unauthorized access to copyrighted works. The organization uses software locks on its electronic meter, which it claims could be circumvented if the Right to Repair legislation is passed.

September 05, 2023 | 12:34 pm
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Apple's decision to stop opposing the Right to Repair movement could potentially lead to increased consumer satisfaction and trust, as it allows consumers more freedom with their devices.
Apple's decision to stop opposing the Right to Repair movement could be seen as a positive move by consumers, as it gives them more control over their devices. This could potentially lead to increased consumer satisfaction and trust in the company, which could positively impact Apple's stock in the short term.