EXCLUSIVE: Alzamend Seeks FDA Approval For Study For Upgraded Version Of Most Commonly Used Treatment For Bipolar Disorder
Portfolio Pulse from Vandana Singh
Alzamend Neuro Inc (NASDAQ:ALZN) has submitted an investigational new drug (IND) application to the FDA for a Phase 2A study of AL001 for bipolar disorder. AL001 is a novel lithium-delivery system that can potentially deliver the benefits of marketed lithium salts while mitigating or avoiding currently experienced toxicities associated with lithium. The company aims to replace a 300 mg TID lithium carbonate dose for bipolar disorder with a 240 mg TID AL001 lithium equivalent, representing a daily decrease of 20% of lithium given to a patient.

August 30, 2023 | 11:31 am
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Alzamend Neuro Inc's submission of an IND application to the FDA for a Phase 2A study of AL001 for bipolar disorder could potentially impact the company's stock. The success of AL001 could lead to a decrease in the use of lithium carbonate, which could have a positive impact on the company's revenues.
The news of Alzamend Neuro Inc's IND application to the FDA for a Phase 2A study of AL001 for bipolar disorder is directly related to the company and its future revenues. If the FDA approves the application and the study is successful, it could lead to an increase in the company's stock price due to potential future revenues from the new drug. However, the impact is uncertain as it depends on the FDA's decision and the success of the study.