Vitalik Buterin Receives Taiwan's Gold Card: 'A Very Good Ethereum community'
Portfolio Pulse from Murtuza Merchant
Ethereum co-founder, Vitalik Buterin, has been awarded Taiwan's Employment Gold Card, a recognition of his contributions to the digital and crypto realms. This allows him to travel in and out of Taiwan with ease for the next three years. The award highlights Taiwan's recognition of global tech leaders and its commitment to fostering a digital environment. Buterin's acknowledgment of the strong Ethereum community in Taiwan underscores the nation's growing prominence in the global crypto landscape.

August 21, 2023 | 7:30 pm
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The recognition of Ethereum's co-founder by Taiwan could boost the reputation of Ethereum and potentially its price. Taiwan's commitment to fostering a digital environment could also be beneficial for Ethereum.
The recognition of Ethereum's co-founder by a country that is growing in prominence in the global crypto landscape could boost the reputation of Ethereum. This could lead to increased demand for Ethereum, potentially driving up its price. Additionally, Taiwan's commitment to fostering a digital environment could lead to more opportunities for Ethereum in the country, which could also be beneficial for its price.