What's Going On With Colombier Acquisition (CLBR) Stock?
Portfolio Pulse from Erica Kollmann
Colombier Acquisition Corporation (NYSE:CLBR) shares are trading higher after the company announced it has received requests to redeem 83% of its total public shares. If all requests are satisfied, 2,963,741 public shares would be outstanding. Colombier will hold a meeting for stockholders to approve the proposed business combination with PSQ Holdings, Inc. CLBR shares are trading on high volume, with more than 1.25 million shares traded on Tuesday.

July 18, 2023 | 3:31 pm
News sentiment analysis
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Colombier Acquisition Corporation's stock is trading higher after the company announced redemption requests for 83% of its total public shares. The company will hold a meeting to approve a business combination with PSQ Holdings.
The announcement of the redemption requests for a significant portion of Colombier's public shares has led to increased trading volume and a rise in the company's stock price. The upcoming meeting to approve a business combination with PSQ Holdings also adds to the relevance and importance of this news for Colombier's stock.